Reciprocal agreement (commandite) benefits for visiting students

The reciprocal agreement for visiting students (commandite) allows a student to take a course at Cégep à distance while remaining enrolled at another CEGEP. Commandites allow CEGEPs, at no additional cost, to:

  • Significantly increase the selection of courses open to their students
  • Improve the scheduling flexibility of courses offered: continuous registration all year long, variable course length, self-paced studies at home or elsewhere, coaching from a tutor, academic support

The selection of courses at Cégep à distance allows students to access a wider variety of courses during the summer, for example.

In some cases, a commandite can allow students to speed up their learning path and graduate faster. Students can use commandites in the following situations:

  • There is a scheduling conflict between the course they need to take and their other courses or personal and family obligations.
  • The course is not offered in a given session or there are not enough spaces available.
  • They want to take courses out of sequence to speed up their learning path.
  • They need to repeat a failed course.
  • They want to take a general education course while they are away from their CEGEP completing an internship.